With budgets forever shrinking, efficiency is of the upmost importance. Engineers are expected to be able to do great work in a short time or it’s not worth your while. A template is often a good way to mix efficiently. If you look at interviews with many mix engineers at the top of their game, you will see that they often use a template.
Apogee at Tileyard Studios
On Monday I went up to Tileyard Studios for a presentation on the new Apogee products, namely the Element series and the Symphony mkII. It was a nice event organised by Sound Technology.
Focusrite RedNet at JigSaw24
This past Thursday I went down to Soho to visit JigSaw24 to attend an event on Focusrite RedNet. Focusrite has a long history in the audio world and when they first announced the RedNet line I was curious but a little skeptical. It seemed like a solution to a problem I didn't have.